Come Say Hello This Sunday
Contact Pastor Scot Sorensen for more information.
925-283-3722 ext. 1
Come Get to Know Us
Welcome, we would love to have you drop by and visit at any time or simply browse the site in order to get a feel for this community and its mission. Finding a place and a people that can stimulate and engage your own experience of faith can be tricky. There are so many ways that all that is holy manages to manifest itself, and every individual and community brings expression to this in a different way. I hope the information on this page gives you a quick way to explore whether OSLC might be a good match for you and your household. If you don't find what you are looking for, feel free to send me an email with thoughts or questions and I will be happy to provide some of my insights on this community that I have served for over 20 years.
Getting a Sense of What OSLC is Like
There are so many organizations that provide a framework for spiritual reflection. Church provides a unique experience as it partners with you to explore your place within the great mystery of life. OSLC provides for conversation and reflection within a diverse community of folks who are exploring the same theme and seeks to provide opportunities to work for the common good.
Each church has a different feel for how they give shape to this work. Our Savior's has spent many many years crafting a community that is open to the diversity of thought, delights in the many questions that come along the way, honors the way the holy stirs in each life and tries to see this experience as a wonderful collaboration rather than a well-worn path that we all follow. I think you will find the spirit of this community a refreshing landscape on which to journey with others. While we ground all we do in the teachings of Jesus and the kind of life he lived within his world, we approach this great body of material as a foundation on which we might build a faith for our time within the world we live. It can be quite a leap to understand the context within which the message of Jesus first began to resonate and apply it today, but there is a wisdom that continues to influence the way we see the world and find our place in it.
Sunday Morning Schedule
9:30 a.m. Sanctuary
Worship: Safely gather for an hour of in-person worship that is based on a traditional liturgical structure while integrating modern language and some creative elements.
10:45 a.m. Adult Study
Each Sunday Pastor Scot is leading adult Bible Studies. Through Mid-September the study is an overview of the gospels. Come Fall the study will go in-depth with First Samuel.
What kind of music do you have at your services?
We have a Director of Worship and Music who works hard to find songs and craft language that are accessible and reflective of the progressive theology that we have fostered over the years. We have tethered our hour together to the leading edges of scholarship and insights into the life and teachings of Jesus. The perspectives of biblical scholars, historians, philosophers, and artists are woven into our time together. There are of course some of the old fashioned songs that have been sung in churches for centuries as well as newer music that ranges from global to spiritual, from emotional to cries for justice in our time. All music is led by a wonderful pianist with vocal support from a team of singers. Kids and adults are encouraged to join in the singing, the readings, and more throughout the hour together.
Do you have a confirmation program?
Yep. There is a long tradition of providing three years of intensive education and reflection designed for students in 6th - 8th grade. At this point in their development, they are ready to begin thinking more critically about their faith perspective and to make it their own. Click here to learn more.
Is there a set of things I have to believe in to be a part of your community?
Clearly, we strive to center our community on the life and teachings of Jesus, even as we trust that the sacred moves in every life and every time. While you will want to be comfortable with the rhythms of the Christian tradition, you will also be honored for the way your spiritual life plays out. To do this, we work to learn from each other and honor the wisdom we each bring as we foster a religious perspective that helps give meaning to life and move us into wholeness.
What can I expect if I come to worship on a Sunday morning?
When you arrive, you will be handed a service outline that will include responsive readings, song numbers, instructions, and an insert of all our upcoming activities. If you are comfortable doing so, you can fill out a nametag so folks can greet you by name. Feel free to sit anywhere, but there are a couple of magical locations depending on what you are looking for:
- Young Families: Tend to sit in the back on the left-hand side. There is an apple tree there with small toys and books to help engage the kids. If you have a fidgety child, that location also gives you quick access to the lounge which can give your child a break and you can see and hear what is going on through the monitor on the wall. Grade school kids have their own space at the front left side of the sanctuary to play together and hang out during the service.
- Quiet Test Drive: It's a bit quieter on the back right side as you walk in. If you want to sit in the back and slip out before the end of the service or right before the social time begins, this is a good spot to be a bit anonymous.
- Leaning In: Sit anywhere upfront and you will get the best experience for a number of reasons. You get to hear both the congregation and the choir singing the songs so you can learn them more quickly. You get to see the musicians work and special musical pieces up close. You get a better feel for the texture of the experience as your sightline is more focused on what is happening upfront.
As our time begins, instructions on when to stand and sit are provided verbally and in the bulletin. You can participate at any level during the hour.
A pastor or special guest will provide a short 12-15 minute reflection for the day.
We pass offering plates around if you would like to donate, but many of us chose other ways to give, such as electronic funds transfer, paying online for a one time or ongoing donation. As a new person, you are just invited to donate if you like or just to enjoy the music during this time.
Finally, our service usually ends with the ancient tradition of breaking bread together and sharing a common cup. It is a tangible reminder of how we are connected to a holy blessing, the blessing of life, and the blessing of community. We practice an open communion so all are welcome. The wafers we use are gluten-free and there is a choice of wine (red) or grape juice (white). It's a time to simply hold to the vision that all of us are one big body and we strive to live as such.
When the time is over, you are invited to hang out for a great social time in the adjacent lounge or out on the patio in good weather. We serve coffee from Big House Beans. They provide transitional job training for folks coming out of the prison system. Our treats are provided by the families and groups of the congregation.
We hope you find some slice of meaning in your time with us….
More questions? Click here and we'll be in touch.