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Youth and Family

OSLC Youth and Family Ministry


The OSLC Youth & Family Ministry team aims to provide kids and teens in our community with a set of experiences that will serve as a foundation for their spiritual journeys - experiences that encourage reflection on the life and teachings of Jesus, engagement in spiritual practices, service to others and consideration of the social/ethical/environmental issues of our time. 

Please read on to learn more about our Youth & Family programming and to view our 2025 calendar! First, here’s a peek at some of our upcoming events:






Youth & Family Programming


Sunday Worship Services

Sundays ᐧ 9:30am ᐧ OSLC Sanctuary 

Youth of all ages are encouraged to share in the worship service experience with their families. Children’s bulletins, books, crayons, activity bags and the kids' activities cart are available at the back of the sanctuary. Additional activities (legos, magnetic tiles, etc.) will be available in Oakview 1 during the worship service.


Sunday Steps (Sunday School for ALL AGES!)

Last Sunday of Each Month ᐧ 9:50am ᐧ OSLC Classroom/Main Hall 

On the last Sunday of the month, Pastor Scot will present a special children's sermon mid-way through the worship service. Following the children's sermon, all ages are invited to attend Sunday Steps, named in the spirit of the last line of OSLC's Identity Statement: "We seek to be transformed by the path we walk together." At Sunday Steps, we'll walk along the path, exploring biblical stories through creative arts, games and crafts. 


Intergenerational Off-Site Service Events

Off-site service events will bring together people of all ages in service to our neighboring communities. We'll work with Project Peace to support their Days of Service and with Contra Costa Fruit Rescue to harvest backyard fruit to be donated to food pantries, shelters and local food banks.


All Youth Social Events

Social events - the Christmas Cookie Party, Nature Hike and Pizza Party - will be great opportunities to get to know one another better! 

Elementary School Milestone Experiences

This year, we're offering 2 milestone experiences to elementary-age children. 

In the Prayer Milestone, we’ll explore prayer as a means of connecting with God. This milestone will culminate in a celebration at the following Sunday worship service. 

In the Holy Communion Milestone, children are invited to explore the ritual of gathering around the communion table. This milestone will culminate in a First Communion celebration at the following Sunday worship service. (Please note that kids who have already received communion are welcome to participate in this milestone and celebration.) 


Middle School Confirmation

Middle school confirmation is designed to provide a solid framework on which to craft a lifetime of faith and development. This year's confirmation meeting schedule is "to be determined" as we evaluate interest. If your middle schooler would like to participate in confirmation, please be in touch!


High School Outings

These social events will be opportunities for high school students to spend time together in a fun and relaxed setting. Activities, themselves will be determined by the students, so...students, think about what types of adventures we might have!


SPSYC Retreat Opportunities

Retreats are hosted by the Sierra Pacific Synod Youth Committee (SPSYC) at Mt. Cross in the Santa Cruz Mountains. The retreats are scheduled as indicated below. (Note that the elementary school and middle school retreats will take place concurrently, with some activities separated by age group and other activities combined across all students.)

The high school retreat - open to high school students in grades 9-12 - runs February 21-23, 2025.


2024-2025 OSLC Youth & Family Ministry Calendar


:Contact Us

Chrissy Willis

Youth & Family Ministry

(925) 283-3722



© 2022 Our Savior's Lutheran Church | Lafayette, CA | 925-283-3722