Festivals + Sundays
Contact Pastor Scot Sorensen for more information.
925-283-3722 ext. 1
Your Sunday Experience
Sunday mornings are designed to provide an experience of the sacred using language, stories, reflections, experiences, and music that are grounded in traditional Lutheran piety while being accessible and relevant. Weekly services follow seasonal themes while our Festival Sundays weave spiritual insights into cultural celebrations to add deeper levels of meaning to the holidays we all love and enjoy. All of these experiences are a way we give expression to our Identity Statement.
Read below for more information about our:
We design each of our gatherings on Sunday morning to reflect traditional Luthean piety with a focus on the life and teachings of Jesus as well as exploring language that makes sense for today. We offer a seasonal approach that provides variety throughout the year.
Music is led by organ or piano. Songs are selected from the Lutheran hymnal and a variety of additional sources including spirituals, gospel, and global music.
Click here for the Facebook live stream
Click here for the YouTube live stream
Click here for access to past YouTube recordings of weekly worship.
Click here for our Sunday worship bulletin.
Our festivals pay attention to cultural celebrations or issues that connect us to the human experience. Each festival is filled with moments of reflection and interaction that allow you to explore meaning, and to experience the joy that is birthed when we each lean into life. Festivals usually make use of special sets, art, outside music groups, and projects stations for kids. Annual Festivals Include:
-Reformation Sunday (October 27, 2024)
- All Saints (November)
-Christmas Eve (Tuesday, December 24, 2024)
- Pride Sunday (January 26, 2025)
- Earth Day (April)
-Palm Sunday (April 13, 2025)
-Easter (April 20, 2025)