Children + Family
Contact Chrissy Willis for more information.
How will your kids make sense of the world?
At OSLC, we work to give kids a set of experiences, stories, and tools that will serve as a foundation for the growth of their faith throughout their lives. We seek to inspire children to understand their world and try to make it better.
- Kids' Sunday Adventure beginning at 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. (Mid September through early May)
- Worship Together - 9:30 a.m.
- Milestone Program
- Family Programs
- Program Calendar
Ongoing Activities
Our Sunday morning education classes meet from 11:00 to 11:45 a.m. on most Sundays during the school year. We offer children's education in the form of a story-based program. Preschoolers through 5th graders experience the ancient stories that give shape to faith, get to know each other, and practice what it means to follow Jesus. To fill out a Children and Youth Enrollment Form online, click here.
Worship with Children at OSLC Worship Service - 11:00 a.m. We believe that corporate worship is an important part of children's faith development, and we encourage you to share worship with your children. Children of all ages are an important part of all our services and often assist in the service by presenting music, reading or serving Communion. We seek to make worship a meaningful time for all members of our community, including our children. In light of COVID, we are currently offering an outdoor option for kids and their families. Spiritual Milestone ProgramOur milestone program offers age-appropriate experiences that help immerse kids into the life of faith. Each experience is integrated and celebrated within our shared worship life. For more information, contact Chrissy Willis at, the milestones offered are:
Milestone Schedule, click here.
Family ProgramsChristmas Eve Family Service We gather around bonfires in the Courtyard on December 24 and enjoy hot chocolate, apple cider, and festive Christmas music. Then all enter the Sanctuary to celebrate the birth of Jesus as the coming of the Christ for our time. Easter Egg Hunt We offer two services on Easter Sunday. Meet us in the Courtyard after the 9:30 service (approximately 10:30 a.m.) for our annual Easter Egg Hunt for young children through 5th grade. Look for location signs depending on the weather. Rain or shine the Easter Egg Hunt will happen! Also, watch for other church-wide events on our home page and elsewhere. All of our events and programs are designed to be inclusive of families, either by inviting children to participate or by providing childcare. |